ASPU expands scope of international cooperation
ASPU expands scope of international cooperation

The National Erasmus+ Office in Armenia (NEO-Armenia) organized a meeting between representatives of Armenian and Lithuanian HEIs earlier this week.

The meeting was attended by representatives of Vilnius University, Lithuanian Maritime Academy, Vilnius College, Kaunas College, Panevezys College and the Education Exchanges Support Foundation (Erasmus+ NA in Lithuania.

The Armenian and Lithuanian partners presented their universities and faculties, the activities and directions of each institution. The purpose of the meeting was to create opportunities for cooperation between Armenian and Lithuanian universities within the Erasmus+ program and beyond.

Anahit Panosyan, Head of the Center on International Cooperation (CIC) at Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU), presented ASPU. Four out of the five Lithuanian institutions participating in the meeting expressed desire and willingness to cooperate with ASPU. Today, ASPU hosted representatives of Vilnius University and Kaunas College to discuss avenues for cooperation.

The Lithuanian colleagues and CIC representatives discussed opportunities for exchange programs and possible cooperation in different directions. The sides also signed a memorandum of cooperation and agreed to arrange meetings in the near future and discuss specific directions of partnership.

The details of cooperation with the other Lithuanian institutions that have expressed readiness and willingness to collaborate with ASPU will be discussed online.

During the meeting, the Lithuanian guests got acquainted with the history of the university (ASPU), its activity and confirmed their readiness to collaborate with ASPU.

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