
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor/Chair of Special Pedagogy and Psychology

1973-1974 - Postgraduate study‘Moscow Research Institute of Defectology’/ APN USSR
1960-1964 -Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture Student

1974 - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences ‘The content of correction measures within the physical education curriculum for schools of students with visual impairment’,ԺԳ.00.03(Moscow, N19)
1990 - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences ‘Extracurricular activities system and theoretical basics for blind and low vision school children physical education’,ԺԳ.00.03(Moscow,N 29/25)

2011- 2017-Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan, Head of Special Pedagogy and Psychology Chair
2007- Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan, Department of Special Pedagogy Professor
1996-2007 – Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture Head of Gymnastics Chair after H. Shahinyan
1980-1996 - Armenian Agricultural Academy, Head of Physical Education Chair

Undergraduate (Bachelor)
• Strengthening health and physical education methodology for children with visual disorders
• Gymnastics and touch development for children with vision problems
• Physical Education Methodology for SEN children
• Scientific research of organization and conduct in the field of special pedagogy and psychology
• Rehabilitation issue activities through physical education for children with vision problems
• Technical means and equipment as an important means of socialization

Typhlo-pedagogy, Adaptive Physical Culture, Typhlo-Psychology, Special Education and Special Psychology

1995- Education and rehabilitation program development support for children with Physical and psychological problems, organizer of the 3rdInternational scientific-practical conference
2006- International Scientific-practical Symposium organizer for International Day for Protection of Children
2007-Training ‘Bologna Declaration and the credit system’, Cert, Minister of Education and Science
2014-Advancement of technologies in corrective direction of education and upbringing of children with visual impairments, International Conference/Moscow/
2014-Education for/ in sake of deafblind experience, problems and prospects, International Conference/Moscow/
2015- Inclusive Education. Modern problems and challenges, "International scientific-practical conference /Yerevan/
2015-Education quality measurement, evaluation issues, international conference/Yerevan/


1992-up to date-Higher Qualification Commission of Pedagogy Department in Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. AbovyanPsychology, 020 professional board member
1993-2003 Scientific Advisor to the Specialized Orphan House in in Kharberd
1996թ. - Member of the International Academy of Informatization, N 10-7832
2004-2009 Scientific Advisor ‘World Vision Armenia’,"Protection of Children Program" International Charity Organization
2008- up to date-Scientific advisor of the medical-psychological assessment center
2002-2009-Special Pedagogy and Psychology journal editor
2008-up to date- editorial board member of ‘Pedagogical Mind’ Journal
2014-up to date – ‘Defectology’Member of the Editorial Board of the scientific-methodological collection
2015-Inclusive Education. Contemporary issues and challenges. Collection of articles on international scientific-practical conference, Editorial Board member


2015 РА National Assembly diploma/Award
2011 RA Ministry of Education and Science Gold Medal
2006 Diploma/Award in pedagogical activities for people with disabilities and the organization of sports education, RA Ministry of Education and Science
1998 Participation in the international scientific-practical conference - «Continuous education system as a means of attracting modern facilities for persons with visual disabilities » /Certificate, /Novgorod/
1992 ‘Excellent successes in work’ medal / USSR High School/

1. Анализ опыта работы сурдопедагогов в обучении грамоте детей с нарушением слуха /В сборнике ,,Педагогическая мысль’’ .- Ереван, 2010, N. 1-2.-С 65-70
2. Тифлопсихология. Предметная программа.-Ереван, 2011.-47с.
3. Влияние занятий настольным теннисом на функциональное состояние сердечно- сосудистой системы у слабовидящих детей /Дефектология ,-Москва, 2011 N 1.-С 29-34.
4. Энциклопедия специального образования.-Ереван, Изд-во ,,Зангак-97:- 2012.-248с.
5. Факультет специального образования: Историографическое пособие: Люди, цифры, факты.- Ереван., 2012.- 45с.
6. Развитие зрительного восприятия у детей с нарушением зрения. Монография.- Ереван, 2013.-143с.
7. Характеристика уровня развития произнашения у детей дошкольного возраста с нарушением слуха /В сб. ,,Педагогическая мысль’’.-Ереван, 2013, N 1-2.- С. 258-262.
8. Социологическое исследование уровня информированности учителей в вопросах формирования геометрических представлений у детей с нарушением зрения /В научно-методическом журнале ,,Проблемы специального образования’’.-Ереван, 2014, N1.-С. 21-26.
9. Проблемы классификации детей с нарушением зрения /В научно-методическом журнале ,,Проблемы специального образования’’.-Ереван., 2014 N 2.- С. 20-27.
10. Оценочные шкалы для определения уровня психофизического развития дошкольников /Дефектология.- Москва, 2015, N 1. –С. 77-92.
11. К проблеме воспитания и обучения детей со сложными нарушениями развития /В научно-методическогом журнале ,,Проблемы специального образования’’. –Ереван, 2015, N 3.- С. 46-52.
12. Профилактика школьной близорукости в системе инклюзивного образования /В мастер. международной научно-практической конференции ,,Инклюзивное образование’’ :современные проблемы и перспективы.- Ереван, 2015.- 119-122с.
13. Специальная педагогика. Учебник для студентов педагогических вузов.- ереван; Изд-во ,,Зангак-97’’.-2015.-446с.


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