Former ASPU Vice-Rector Anatoly Sahakyan dies at 78
Former ASPU Vice-Rector Anatoly Sahakyan dies at 78

Anatoly Sahakyan, former vice-rector of Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU), Candidate of Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor, has died at the age of 78.

Anatoly Sahakyan was born in the village of Shenavan, Aparan region, Armenia, in 1946. In 1971, he graduated from Kirovakan (Vanadzor) State Pedagogical Institute (Department of History). Since 1965, he was working at ASPU, holding various positions and successfully combining lecturing with top positions. In 2000-2010, he was Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs at ASPU. He is the author of a number of scientific and methodical works.

The ASPU leadership and professorial staff express their deepest condolences to Anatoly Sahakyan’s family and relatives for the death of the meritorious pedagogue. His memory will always be in the hearts of his colleagues and students.

The farewell service for Anatoly Sahakyan will be held in Saint Sarkis Church in Yerevan’s Nor Nork district at 5p.m., August 26. Anatoly Sahakyan will be buried in his native village of Shenavan on August 27.

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