Importance of financial education discussed with CBA representatives
Importance of financial education discussed with CBA representatives

On December 28, ASPU Rector Srbuhi Gevorgyan had a working meeting with representatives of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia - Armenuhi Mkrtchyan, Araks Manucharyan and Lusine Nersisyan.

They are involved in the "Financial Education at School" program which in 2019-2021was coordinated by ASPU, thereby contributing to the online organization of the refresher course.

The meeting was attended by ASPU Vice-Rectors Mariam Ispiryan and Naira Safaryan, as well as Rita Gevorgyan, the coordinator of the program, Head of the ASPU Chair of Economics and Management.
During the meeting, CBA representative, program coordinator Araks Manucharyan referred to the "Financial Education at School" program, developments and outcomes.

ASPU Rector Rector Gevorgyan, who once coordinated the educational-methodological part of the program, says the program was a serious and successful experience in terms of training teachers in all regions of Armenia.

Let us add that 7028 teachers from 1053 schools were trained within the fromawork of the "Financial Education at School" program; financial education included 7 areas, for the implementation of which four subjects were chosen - "I and the World Around Us", "Mathematics", "Algebra", "Social Studies".

During the meeting, the parties also discussed cooperation opportunities within the framework of another program - "Financial Education with Students", as well as the university's functions, its integration in the relevant course and student engagement.

In this context, CBA representative Armenuhi Mkrtchyan stressed the importance of cooperation with ASPU, development and implementation of a practical and applicable model, and training of a teacher as a financial education specialist.

She says after all in the era of development it is important to form a citizen who will be able to effectively manage his personal finances and make financially justified decisions.
Program coordinator Rita Gevorgyan added, in turn, that the "Financial Education at School" program was a success thanks to joint work and cooperation. She believes that the program content should be reviewed, making it applicable among students.


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