
Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor


Candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor at the chair of Romano-Germanic Languages and their Teaching Methods

The State Pedagogical Institute of Russian and Foreign Languages after V.Ya. Bryusov, (1962 –1969), teacher of the English language

Academic credentials
Candidate of pedagogical sciences

Work experience
Secondary School № 53 after A. Khanjyan, teacher of the English language (1969 -1971)
The Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU) after Kh. Abovyan, lecturer of the English language (1971up to now)
Head of the Chair of foreign languages and teaching methodology in ASPU after A.Khanjyan (2000 – 2005)
Dean of the Faculty of foreign languages in ASPU after Kh.Abovyan (2006 – 2008)
Head of the Chair of foreign languages and teaching methodology in ASPU after Kh.Abovyan (2008 – 2009)
Dean of the Faculty of foreign languages in ASPU after Kh.Abovyan (2009 – 2013)
Professor of the Chair of methodology of teaching foreign languages in ASPU after Kh.Abovyan (2013 up to now)

BA degree - Methodology of teaching foreign languages
MA degree - Theory of teaching foreign languages and intercultural communication
Contemporary technologies of assessment

Scope of academic interests
Conceptual and practical issues of teaching English for professional and professional
orientation levels
Development of alternative programs for the teaching foreign languages
Research in conceptual and practical frameworks for teaching English to different age groups

I was twice engaged in English teaching training courses for lecturers in Yerevan State
University. (15.09.1973 – 15.01.1974) and (15.09.1988 – 31.01.1989)
I attended a short course on “Becoming a more efficient classroom manager and Correction
that works…a teacher’s dream”, organised by Oxford Teacher’s Academy of 05-06 June 2007.
I took part in the qualification improvement course for the teaching staff of the Armenian
State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan. (13.04.2015 – 07.05.2015)

Member of the specialized council 020 ,,Pedagogy,, at the Armenian State Pedagogical
University after Kh.Abovyan

Teaching Potential of Professional-oriented English Text. Teaching manual. Yerevan:
,,Lusabats,, 2006.
On Some Issues of Foreign Language Theory Designing and Course Modeling.
Second International Conference: ,,Language in the Contemporary Paradigm of Programs and
Abstracts. Yerevan State University, October 16-19, 2007.
On Some Major Issues of High School Education and FL Teachers in Armenia. Materials
of Scientific Conference dedicated to the 90-th anniversary of foundation of the ASPU
after Kh. Abovyan. II issue, Yerevan, 2014.
Over 40 scientific publications

I am awarded with two jubilee medals: ,,The 20-th Anniversary of the Victory over the
German Fascism,, and ,,The 90-th Anniversary of Foundation of the ASPU after Kh.Abovyan,,

Armenian, English, Russian

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