Kim Avetik Sarukhanyan

PhD of Pedagogical Science, associate professor

PhD of Pedagogical Science, associate professor at the Chair of Special pedagogy and psychology

1987-1990 yy. full –time graduate student Armenian state pedagogical university after Kh. Abovyan
1973-1978yy. Speciality special educator , specch therapist department of Defektology Slavyansk State pedagogical university, Ukraine

Academic Credentials
PhD Pedagogical sciences /2009 / 00.03 "The formation of social life skills in a special school" 020 board

Work experience
2009 up present lecturer Chair Special pedagogy and psychology
2001-2012 yy. Chief of the republican specch centre Armenian state pedagogical university after Kh. Abovyan
1990-2009 yy assistant of the chair Special pedagogy Armenian state pedagogical university after Kh. Abovyan
1981-1987 yy. methodist in educational methodical cabinet Ministry of Education
1978-1987yy. Specch therapist school N 176

Bachelor`s degree course
Social –life orientation
Correctional Pedagogy
Basics of Special Pedagogy
Basics of social-psychological rehabilitation and professional orientation
Master`s degreeМагистратура
Basics od social education of mental retard children

Scope of Academic interests
Social –life orientation , social rehabilitation , special pedagogy

2015y .Program sustainability of actions reducing the risk of accidents Armenian state pedagogical university after Kh. Abovyan
2015y. Mental health and mass media program Armenian mental health association Armenian sate medical university after M. Heraci Yerevan
2015y Inclusive education current issues and challenges International scientific practical conference Yerevan
2015г. The course of international lectures A. Suvorov, K .Smit ,D. Fraser Armenian state pedagogical university after Kh.Abovyan
2014г. Development of Occupational Therapy in Armenia and Georgia 10 years later

Special education faculty board member

1. Historical manual: people, numbers, facts Yerevan Zangak 2012թ. /48/
2. Специальные школы и проблемы социально-бытовой подготовки учащихся Ереван 2012г.
3. Особенности восприятия и понимания экспресии незнакомого человека юношамы и девочкамы с нарушением слуха . Сибирский педагогический журнал 2014 г./ 151-156/
4. Теоретические аспекты и практические пути построения занятий по социально-бытовой ориентировки детей с интелектуальной недостаточностью развития. Проблемы специального оброзавания Научно-методический журнал Ереван 2014г. /149-155/

Languages: Russian, english

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