Edvard Pier Kokanyan

Head of chair of Physics and its Teaching Methods, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor


Head of chair of Physics and its Teaching Methods

Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor/Chair of Physics and its Teaching Methods

Head of Laboratory of new materials for quantum electronics and integral optics

1984-1987: Post-graduate student, Institute for physical researches, National Academy of Sciences, Armenia (IPR NASA).
1972-1977: Yerevan State University, Department of Physics, Solid State Physics

Academic Credentials
2009: Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, “Obtaining of pure and doped crystals of LiNbO3, NaBi(WO4)2 and YAl3(BO3)4 of different composition and investigation of their physical properties”, specialty 01.04.21 – laser physics
1987: Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, “Investigation of the influence of initial composition of the melt, electrical field and impurities on the composition, homogeneity and physical properties of lithium niobate crystals”, specialty 01.04.21 – crystallography and crystal-physics

Work Experience
2016-till now Head of the chair of Physics and its Teaching Methods
2012-2016: Head of the chair of theoretical physics and physiscs learning methods at Armenian state pedagogical university after Kh.Abovyan (ASPU).
2011-till now Head of the laboratory of new materials for quantum electronics and integral optics at ASPU
2011-till now Head of the laboratory of non linear crystals, IPR NASA
1989-2011Head of research group, Senior Researcher, IPR NASA
1984-1989: Researcher, IPR NASA
1977-1984: Junior research fellow, IPR NASA

Bachelor’s degree course-Solid state physics
Master’s degree course-Basics of Crystallography, electro-optical phenomena, crystal physics, the basic properties of polar crystals, the symmetry and the basic laws of physics, the morphology of the crystals, the main stages of development of natural Sciences

Scope of Academic Interests
Growing of bulk, fibrous-thin membrane crystals and their research, sensor, laser systems, telecommunication systems, micro and nano нано structures.

1. New Oxide Materials for Advanced Electrooptical Applications: Defect structure as Related to Performance. // INTAS / Ref:- 94-1080 – 1994-1996 (36 months)
2. Preparation and investigation of regularly ordered LiNbO3 – the basis for tailoring fundamental material properties and advanced applications. // INTAS / Ref:-96-0699 – 1996-1999 (36 months)
3.Development of low excitation threshold active medium for compact solid state lasers. // NFSAT-CRDF / Ref: MS 048-01 - BGP-7431 – 2001-2003 (24 months)
4.Dual-frequency active elements for compact lasers on periodically poled LiNbO3:Er3+- Yb3+ crystals. // CRDF / Ref: AP2-2556-AK-03 – 2004-2006 (24 months)
5.Periodically and chirped periodically poled lithium niobate crystals with strong suppressed photorefraction for advanced quantum electronics. // ISTC / Ref: A-1033 – 2005-2007 (24 months)
6.Periodically poled lithium niobate crystals - application to wavelength-conversion devices // USA, NFSAT-CRDF / NFSAT-CRDF, Ref: AR 2-3235-AS-04 – 2006-2008 (24 months)
7.Hafnium doped stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals - a new way to wavelength-conversion devices // USA, ANSEF / 1696 – 2009 (12 months)
8.Er3+ և Yb3+ իոններով լեգիրված լիթիումի նիոբատի բյուրեղները՝ որպես նոր նյութեր ջերմաստիճանային օպտիկական սենսորների համար // ՀՀ ԿԳՄՍՆ Գիտության կոմիտե / / 15T-1C299 – 2015-2017 (24 ամիս)
9.Նոր նյութերի և տեխնոլոգիաների մշակում և հետազոտում մոտակա և միջին ինֆրակարմիր տիրույթի հեռանկարային օպտիկական սենսորային միկրոհամակարգերի համար // ՀՀ ԿԳՄՍՆ Գիտության կոմիտե / 18RF-116 – 2018-2020 (24 ամիս)
10.Տարրաչափական լիթիումի նիոբատ-գրաֆեն հիբրիդային նյութի հենքի վրա մակերևույթային ակուստիկական ալիքների բարձր ջերմաստիճանային սենսորներ // ՀՀ ԿԳՄՍՆ Գիտության կոմիտե / 18T-1C271 – 2018-2020 (24 ամիս)
11.Գրաֆեն/լիթիումի նիոբատ հետերոկառուցվածքի հիմքով դաշտային տրանզիստոր տերահերցային տիրույթի մոդուլյատորի համար //ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆ Գիտության կոմիտե/ 21T-1C275, 2021-2024 (36 ամիս)

Invitation to visit as a professor
1. University of Osnabruck, Germany, 1994 (one month)
2. University Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain, 2004 (one month)
3. University of Pavia, Italy, 2004 (one month).
4. University of Metz, France, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 (one month per year)
5. University of Lorraine, France, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 (one month per year)

Individual grants
1.DAAD (1995-1996, 2 months), University of Giessen, Germany
2.DAAD (1998, 2 months), University of Osnabruck, Germany
3.DAAD (2000, 2 months), University of Osnabruck, Germany
4.NATO (2000, 8 months), University Cantoblanco, Madrid, Spain.
5.International Centre for Theoretical Physics / Senior Associated, Treste, Italy– 2008-2014 (one month per year)
6.Research in Italian laboratories, International Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Pavia, Italy. 2002-2003 (12 months)
7.Արդյունավետ գիտաշխատող 2013 // ՀՀ կրթության և գիտության նախարարություն Գիտության կոմիտե / 13PR-1C0147
8.Արդյունավետ գիտաշխատող 2014 // ՀՀ կրթության և գիտության նախարարություն Գիտության կոմիտե / 14PR-1C0263
9.Արդյունավետ գիտաշխատող 2021 // ՀՀ ԿԳՄՍՆ Գիտության կոմիտե / 21PR-C0337

Member of the international union of crystallography, member of the international commission of optics.

Scientific data: Quantity of articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.145
h index- 16 (Scopus), 17 (Web of Science), 18 (Google scholar)
Citations - 1300 (Scopus).

Selected publications
1.Kokanyan N., Chapron D., Kokanyan E., Fontana M. // Zr doping on lithium niobate crystals: Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics / Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 121 (9), 095103/4
2.Grachev V.G., Hansen K., Meyer M., Kokanyan E.P., Malovichko G. I. // Substitution mechanisms and location of Co ions in congruent and stoichiometric lithium niobate crystals derived from electron paramagnetic resonance data / Materials Research Express, 2017, 4 (3), 036204/12
3.Danielyan A., Kokanyan N., Kostritskii S., Kokanyan E., Aillerie M. // Composition dependence of the electro‐optic properties of iron‐doped lithium niobate crystals mounted as bulk modulator / Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2018, 102 (6), 3535-3546
4.Vittadello L., Bazzan M., Danielyan A., Kokanyan E., Guilbert L., Aillerie M. // A polaron approach to photorefractivity in Fe : LiNbO / Journal of Physics Communications, 2018, 2 (12), 125003/13
5.Basnin P. P., Chirkova I. M., Kokanyan E. P., Kostritskii S. M., Sevostyanov O. G. // Мicro-Optical Structures Written by Photothermal Method in a Specially Modified Near-Surface Layer of Lithium Niobate Crystals / Russian Physics Journal, 2019, 62 (4), 732-734
6.Margaryan N., Kokanyan N., Kokanyan E. // Low-temperature synthesis and characteristics of fractal graphene layers / Journal of Saudi Chemical Society, 2019, 23 (1), 13-20
7.Aharonyan K.H., Kokanyan E.P., Aillerie M. // Screened shallow impurity properties of quantum well heterosystems with high-κ dielectric barrier environment / Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2019, 113, 47-53
8.Mkhitaryan N., Zaraket J., Kokanyan N., Kokanyan E., Aillerie M. // Electro-optic properties of singly and doubly doped lithium niobate crystal by rare earth elements for optoelectronic and laser applications / The European Physical Journal Applied Physics, 2019, 85 (3), 30502/7
9.Kostritskii S., Aillerie M., Kokanyan E., Sevostyanov O. // Non-linear light scattering in photorefractive LiNbO3 crystals studied by Z-scan technique / Applied Physics B, 2019, 125 (9), 160/11
10.Kokanyan N., Bazzan M., Vittadello L., Chapron D., Kokanyan E., Fontana M. // Time evolution of Symmetry-forbidden Raman lines activated by photorefractivity / Scientific Reports, 2019, 9 (1), 13408/9
11.Streque J., Aubert T., Kokanyan N., Bartoli F., Taguett A., Polewczyk V., Kokanyan E., Hage-Ali S., Boulet P., Elmazria O. // Stoichiometric Lithium Niobate Crystals: Towards Identifiable Wireless Surface Acoustic Wave Sensors Operable up to 600 °C / IEEE Sensors Letters, 2019, 3 (4), 2501204/4
12.Kostritskii S.M., Korkishko Y.N., Fedorov V.A., Sevostyanov O.G., Chirkova I.M., Kokanyan E., Aillerie M. // Phase composition of channel proton-exchanged waveguides in different near-congruent LiNbO / Ferroelectrics Letters Section, 2020, 47 (1-3), 9-15
13.Kostritskii S., AillerieM., Kokanyan E., Sevostyanov O. // Parameters of nonlinear scattering evaluated by open-aperture Z-scan technique in photorefractive LiNbO3 crystals / Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2020, 52 (2), 92/11
14.N. Kokanyan, N. Mkhitaryan, G. Demirkhanyan, A. Kumar, M. Aillerie, D. Sardar, E. Kokanyan "LiNbO3-Tm3+ Crystal. Material for Optical Cooling” Crystals, 11,50-57, 2021,
15.S.M. Kostritskii, O.G. Sevostyanov, M. Aillerie and E.Kokanyan, “Optical limiting and speckle of low power continuous wave laser beams using nonlinear scattering in photorefractive Zr: LiNbO3 crystals”, Ferroelectrics, 574, 1, 179-186, 2021,

ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7664-1184

2009: The prize of the president of Armenian republic for the best circle of articles in the field of physics.

Armenian, English, Russian


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