Professor/Chair of Romano-Germanic Languages and their Teaching Methods
2006-2011 chair of teaching methodology of foreign languages of the Yerevan Armenian State Pedagogical University - applicant
1987-1992 Yerevan State Linguistic University after V.Bryusov, specialist of French and English
1977-1987 Yerevan secondary school N 148
Knowledge of languages: French, Russian, English
Work experience:
From 1996 up to present: lecturer at chair of Romanic languages
1995-1997 Department of standardization and metrology / department of
foreign relations/interpreter/
1992-1994 Yerevan secondary school N190 /teacher of French/
Teaching experience:
French as a second language, practical Grammar, practical press, written and
oral speech of French language
2002 June - Training at Armenian Organization of French teachers
2003 June 17-20 - Training at Alliance Francaise (Armenia)
2003 July 6 – August 1 Training at Cann University (France)
2004 May 25-June 25- Training at University of Aix-en-Provence
2005 - Establishment of relations with the University of Aix-en-Provence, and obtaining 240kg of literature, vocabularies and other materials in French
2005 June 27- July 3 – Training at Alliance Francaise (Armenia)
2006 June 20-23 - Training at Alliance Francaise (Armenia)
2006 July 3-11 - Training at Descartes (France)
2007 June 26-30 - Training at Alliance Francaise (Armenia)
2007 - Cooperation with «Retired teachers without bordres» French organization ; coordinator in Armenia.
2008 June 30 – July 19 -Training at Jon Larosh Suresnes (France)
2008 March 5 - Assistance in establishment of « Young French-speakers club»
2009 June 23-26 -Training at Alliance Francaise (Armenia) 2009 August 31- September 4 - Training in Sophia CREFECCO (Bulgaria)
2010 July 11-26 - Trip to Paris with the students of Pedagogical University
2010 June – Passing on my experience (received in Bulgaria) to the teachers at the annual training of Alliance Francaise
2011 March 21-23 - Training in Sophia CREFECO (Bulgaria)
2011 June - Passing on my experience (received in Bulgaria) to the teachers at the annual training of Alliance Francaise
2011 June 27 – July 1 Training at Alliance Francaise (Armenia) 2012 February 13-17 - Training at Alliance Francaise (Armenia) 2013 – C1 level of French language
Sphere of interests: Translation issues, issues on text stylistics and speech development, methodology of communicative situations
2006-2015 selected publication
1. Article : Development of general linguistic communicative skills using home reading. Collected scientific works – Yerevan 2008
2. Article : Issues on teaching modern French lexicon . Collected scientific works –Yerevan 2010
3. Article: Sources of lexicon development and their selection issues – Astghik 20-21,Yerevan 2010-2011
4. Article: Planning of Foreign language using communicative method
5. Language and its teaching methods at Yerevan National University of Architecture and Construction, Yerevan 2015