Upon the termination of the plenary session of the international conference “Theoretical and Practical Problems of Development of Transforming Society”, the conference activities
continued in separate sections at the ASPU.
The Co-Heads of the section were the Academician, the Honorary Chancellor of the Athens University, the Co-President of the International Academy of Philosophy Yevangelos Moutsopoulos, the RA Deputy- Minister of Science and Education Manuk Mkrtchyan, and the Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretic Philosophy and Logics at the YSU, the Chairman of the Committee of “Development Issues of Civic Society” of the Public Board of RA, the Deputy-Director of the International Research Institute of Metaphilosophy, Transformational Logics and Theory of Argumentation at the ASPU after Kh.Abovyan, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Hovhannes Hovhannisyan.
The first reporter of the section was the RA Deputy-Minister of Science and Education, Manuk Mkrtchyan. The latter reported on the subject “Possibilities of Systemic Brainwork Methodology and Limitations in Giving a Meaning to the Future Essence of Civilization”. During the report discussion were made about the source of development of social reality, based on the idea that the development of social reality is conditioned with the factor of mutual harmonization of the free nature of a human beings and the community nature of social reality.
Afterwards, the Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, the Associate Professor of the UNESCO Chair of Human Rights, Democracy and European Research at the YSLU, Gagik Hovhannsiyan made a report on the subject of “Social-Cultural Transformations: the New Context /globalization and culture/”. In his research the influence of globalization processes on the cultural development is discussed. Besides, he makes an emphasis on the idea that the influence of globalization on the cultural field is neither definite nor explicit; on the one hand that kind of influence is considered as a cultural universalism, on the other hand- as a cultural segregation.
Later, the Professor of Philosophy, Lecturer of the Bucharest Polytechnic University, Anna Bazak introduced her report headed “An Average Human Being and the Social Development”. The report aimed to comprehend the materialistic context of political and socio-cultural relations through universal concepts.
Next in turn was the Head of the Department of Linguistics and Communication at the YSLU, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Karine Abrahamyan with the report “About the National-Spiritual-Linguistic Elements of Linguistic Categorization”. In her report she presented the facts which proof the status of a human language as a general cognitive mechanism.
Further on, the Co-Head of the section, the Deputy-Director of the International Research Institute of Metaphilosophy, Transformational Logics and Theory of Argumentation at the ASPU after Kh.Abovyan, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Hovhannes Hovhannisyan also made a report. In his report “Structural and Functional Peculiarities of Transformation of Social System” he analyzed and defined the structural and functional components of the formation of new institutes, their synchronous and non-synchronous development peculiarities and conditions.
Soon after, the PhD, the Professor of Turku University, Yuha Rayka also delivered a report on the subject “Paradox of the Conservative Justice”; in the report she brought up the question whether the ideal justice demands can be correspondingly criticized on the basis of the argument of resistance.
And finally, the Associate Professor of the American Humanitarian University in Armenia, Candidate of Philosophic Sciences, Andranik Stepanyan discussed the religious crisis manifestations and its consequences during his report headed “Manifestations of Religious Modernism in a Transforming Society; crisis of religion as a means of expression of cultural crisis”.
The first section will continue its work in the same field tomorrow.