Doctor, Assosiate Professor
Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), PhD, Associated Professor/Head of the Chair of Speech Therapy and Rehabilitation
1996 February Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan Defense of the thesis on the topic of “Recovery of speech in bilingual aphasia” for the title of candidate of pedagogical sciences Honored by the PhD scientific degree.
Sept 1978- June 1982 Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg) State Pedagogical Institute (now University) afterA.I.Gercen Department of Speech Therapy, Defectology Faculty
Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Diploma with Honor
Academic redentials
February 2005 Honors by the scientific title of Docent (Associate Professor)
Work Experience
Sept 2011- ongoing Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan docent of the Chair of Speech Therapy and Rehabilitation
Sept 2011-2017 ongoing Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan Head of the Chair of Speech Therapy and Rehabilitation
Sept 2009 - ongoing Anania Shirakatsy Lyceum Methodologist – consultant
Sept 2001-July 2011 Hrachya Acharyan University Lecturer
May 2005-Sept 2009 Hrachya Acharyan University Head of the Chair of Pedagogy and Psychology
Sept 2008-March 2010 Yerevan Medical-Psychological-Pedagogical Evaluation Center Specialist in educational methods
Oct 2003-July 2008 “World Vision Armenia” International Charity Organization Special educator, Supervisor of Medical-Psychological- Pedagogical Commission
Oct 2000-Dec 2002 Anania Shirakatsy Lyceum Speech therapist
Sept 1998-July 2001 Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh.Abovyan Lecturer at the Department of defectology
Nov 1982-Sept 1998 School N 147 Speech Therapist
Jan 1996-Oct 2003 St. Grigor Lousavorich Medical Center Speech therapist at the department of general and vascular neurology
Bachelo’s dagree course Theoretical basis of Speech Therapy
Master’s dagree course The issue of Bilingualism form the perspective of Speech therapy
Neuropsychological and Neurolinguistic analyses of speech disorders
Communication as a speech therapy issue
Speech Therapy consultancy
Speech therapy in neurorehabilitation system
Scope of Academic interests
Speech therapy, psychology, ontolinguistics, neurology, neuropsychology
February 2015 “Creatuve Thinking in the Field of Special Education” Shefayim, Israel - Organized by MASHAV, Israel
Jan – Feb 2015 “Business English Online Course” Armenia , Yerevan -Organized by National Academy of Science, Armenia
January 2015 “NLP: Submodality Techniques Practical Course” Armenia , Yerevan -Organized by Yerevan State University Center of Applied
November 2014 “NLP: ReframingTechniques Practical Course” Armenia , Yerevan -Organized by Yerevan State University Center of Applied Psychology
May 2014 “NLP: Anchoring Techniques Practical Course” Armenia , Yerevan -Organized by Yerevan State University Center of Applied
April 2014 “NLP: Meta Model Practical Course” Armenia , Yerevan -Organized by Yerevan State University Center of Applied
October 2013- “Classroom Assessment and Classroom Testing to Support Armenia , Yerevan
March 2014 Effective Teaching and Learning” -Lead by Bill Boyle, Manchester University, UK
February 2012 “PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) ” Armenia , Yerevan - Lead by S. Bajorat, clinical director of PEC, Germany
2011 Jan-Nov “Child consultation and physiotherapy” Armenia , Yerevan -Lead by Docent A. Vardanyan, Armenia
2009 Sept-Nov “Main techniques of Art-therapy” Armenia , Yerevan -Lead by I. Arjanich, Russia
March-April 2009 “Special Education” for Armenia USA, Detroit -Organized by USAID and Community Connections
2006April-May Stable Normalization of Speech at Stammering Armenia , Yerevan -Lead by Professor L. Harutyunyan, Russia
2005 October Introduction in Psychodynamic Therapy of Stammering Armenia , Yerevan - Organized by Shaffhausen, Switzerland
Total number of Publications: more than 60 (scientific works, articles, curriculums, etc. in the fields of speech therapy and special education)
1. On the Speech restoration of polyglots with aphasia. //Medical science of Armenia, Yerevan, 2007, #3, pp. 92 – 96
2. Ինչպես օգնել վատ կարդացող երեխային //Հատուկ մանկավարժություն և հոգեբանություն – Երևան, 2009, #8, էջեր 79 – 85
3. Աֆազիա ունեցող անձանց խոսքի վերականգնման մեթոդական ուղեցույց: - Երևան, 2010, 40 էջ
4. О влиянии речевого окружения на результаты логопедической терапии при афазии. //''Дефектология'', 2013, М., # 4 ", С. 86-90
5. Применение сказок и игр в процессе восстановления речевой коммуникации у пациентов с афазией. // 2014, # 27, С. 144-149.
6. Использование элементов методики PECS в процессе восстановления речи и коммуникации при афазии. //10th Eastern and Central European Regional Conference on AAC.- 2015, С. 50 - 53
7. Այբ-Բեն մոլորակի խաղերից:// ուսումնաօժանդակ ձեռնարկ: Երևան, 2018, 84 էջ
8. -Լոգոպեդիան գործնականում։ / համաhեղինակ/ - Երևան, 2017
9. -Inclusive Education Strategies: A Textbook․ /համահեղինակ/ - Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota; Yerevan, Armenia: UNICEF Armenia & Armenian State Pedagogical University, 2018
10. -Factors Affecting the Efficacy of Aphasia Rehabilitation․ /համահեղինակ/ //Armenian Journal of
11. Special Education, Scientific Methodological Journal - Yerevan, 2021
12. -Readiness of Pre-Service Teachers to Implement Inclusive Education․/համահեղինակ/ // Wisdom, vol.25.No 1(2023):1-20
Armenian, Russian, English