Representatives of preschool education institutions participate in training
Representatives of preschool education institutions participate in training

On January 21, 53 participants of the “Mandatory Training Course for Pedagogical Workers of Preschool Education Institutions” received certificates.

The course consisting of 90 academic hours was held from December 5 to 21 and focused on the legislation on preschool education, use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education, age-related psychology, universal inclusion, assessment of the growth and learning outcomes of preschoolers, methods of education and principles for conducting research.

Naira Safaryan, Vice-Rector for Educational Processes at Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU), welcomed the participants and congratulated them on completing the training course. She thanked the representatives of the sector for shouldering the complicated and responsible mission of the first stage of learning.

The vice-rector thinks that the reforms and improvements in general education should also be carried out in preschool education. She says training is a necessity. Naira Safaryan says new knowledge and modern methods are used during the courses, which will be effectively applied in difficult situations.

She emphasized the importance of feedback and voiced hope that participants will come up with constructive suggestions, thereby contributing to the further development of the process.

Armenuhi Manukyan, Acting Head of the Chair of Preschool Pedagogy and Methodology, remembers that only six people participated in the first training course. And yet, they worked with the same responsibility, enthusiasm and willingness. Today, thanks to their dedication and experienced team, they can talk about progress and successful completion of the important and responsible process.

She believes that the courses provided an opportunity to enrich the participants’ knowledge, abilities, and skills. She hopes in the future the field will be of better quality. Dedicated people work in preschool educational institutions just like in schools.

Svetlana Marutyan, Professor at the Chair of Preschool Pedagogy and Methodology, also congratulated the educators and methodologists for their achievements. She hopes it will be a regular and continuous event in their lives, playing an important role in their professional development.

The participants expressed their satisfaction with the course and presented some observations, assuring everyone that thanks to the knowledge-method combination, they filled the competency gaps and, now armed with new knowledge, they are ready to fulfill their professional responsibilities in a new way.

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