Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Associate Professor
Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Associate Professor/Chair of Biology, Chemistry and Their Teaching Methods
1986 - 1991 Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan, Department of biology.
1994 - 1997 Armenian Agricultural Academy, Postgraduate student.
Academic Credentials
2016 Doctor of Sciences (Biology), Genetic features of hybrid wheats ontogenesis, 03.0015 - ,, Genetics,,
2003 Candidate of Biology “Hybrid lethality in wheat”.
Work Experience
1992 - 1997 School N 15, Teacher of Biology.
1994 – 2003, 2005 Armenian Agricultural Academy, Laboratory of cultivated plants and their wild relatives’ gene pool, Scientific worker.
2002 - 2004 International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) Agricultural Services Project PCU SI, Consultant of agriculture.
2005 WB Agricultural Reform Support PIU SI, preparation period, Consultant of seed component.
2006 - 2010 WB Agricultural Reform Support PIU SI, Chief specialist/seed breeding, Coordinator of seed component.
2006 - 2011 “Scientific center of Agriculture and plant protection”, Department of Seed breeding, Scientific worker.
2009 Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan, Department of biology, Chair of ecology, Lecturer.
2011 -2015 “Scientific center of Agriculture”, the Deputy Director.
2012 Evaluation of FAO cooperation with Armenia, Evaluation Team Member, National Expert.
2015-2023 Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan, Dean of the Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Geography.
Bachelor's Ecological and environmental issues, Sustainable development issues, Environmental legal frameworks and environmental protection.
Master`s Soil ecology, Ecological tourism, Hydroponics and selection, Alternative systems of food production.
Scope of Academic Interests
Comprehensive study of the regulatory systems of vital wheat hybrids in connection with hybrid depression phenomenon caused by interaction of complementary genes. Wheat phylogenesis issues. Breeding of new varieties of crops and testing in different agroecological zones.
1999 - Training on Food processing enterprises for women, National Institute of Small Industry and Extension Training, Hyderabad, India.
2006 – Training on ISTA QA methods, Scottish Agricultural Science Agency (SASA), Edinburgh, UK.
2006 - Plan new laboratory in Armenia due to ISTA requirements, National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB), Cambridge, UK.
2007 – Training on Crop inspection, Scottish Agricultural Science Agency (SASA), Edinburgh, UK.
2008 –ISTA international rules for seed testing, Bologna, Italy.
2008 – ISTA/FAO Training of Trainers Course on Seed Quality Testing, Republican Seed Inspection, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
2008 – Implementation of National List testing (DUS testing and VCU trials) of candidate varieties, sampling, testing and certification of seed according to the requirements and standards of the EC Marketing Directives, National Institute of Agricultural and Food Research and Technology, Madrid, Spain.
2009 - ISTA international rules for seed testing, Zurich, Switzerland.
2011 – Regional Expert Consultation “Agricultural research and innovation systems in South and Eastern Europe enabling sustainable development in a resource – constrained world”, FAO Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe, Budapest, Hungary.
2015 - Innovative technologies in plant growing and post-harvest crop protection, International Training Center for Agricultural Cooperation (CINADCO), Haifa, Israel.
2015 - Wheat Breeding current trends and prospects, the University of Sydney Plant Breeding Institute, Sydney, Australia.
2015 - Strengthening the agricultural extension system, Cordoba, Mendoza, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Membership 2006 – to present International Seed Testing Association (ISTA), member.
2012- to present UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), expert.
30 scientific and methodical articles, 2 monographs.
1. Садоян Р.Р. Гибридная депрес¬сивности пшеницы – теория вопроса и каталог сортов по генам гибридной депрессивности различных типов, Монография, Ереван, 2008, 196.
2. Садоян Р.Р. Гены гибридной депрессивности у эндемичных и селекционных сортов пшениц Армении, Биологический журнал Армении, 2 (64), Ереван, 2012, 99-103.
3. Садоян Р.Р. Локализация естественных отрицательных доминантных мутаций в пшеницах Южного Кавказа, Известия аграрной науки т. 10, №3, Тбилиси, 2012, 64-68.
4. Садоян Р.Р. Эндемичные и селекционные сорта пшениц Армении. Монография, Ереван, 2013, 127.
5. Sadoyan R.R., Barbaryan A.A. Some agrobiological indicators of new varieties of winter soft wheat. ANNALS ofagrarian science, vol. 12, №2, Tbilisi, 2014, 26-28.
6. Гончаров Н.П., Меликян А.Ш., Арутюнян М.Г., Оганесян М.Ц., Оганесян Л.В., Садоян Р.Р., Ляпунова О.А.Кавказский центр формообразования диких ди- и тетраплоидных пшениц: Экспедиция «Армения-2013». Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции, т. 8, №2, Новосибирск, 2014, 387-399.
7. Садоян Р.Р., Казарян Р.Г. Перспективные сорта озимой мягкой пшеницы в условиях орошаемого земледелия Араратской равнины Армении. Плодородие, № 5 (80), Москва, 2014, 34-37.
8. Sadoyan R.R.Breeding importance of the hybrid depression problem and possible ways of its overcoming. American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, №3 (3), 2015, 116-119.
9. Sadoyan R.R. Features of ontogeny of wheat hybrid of type Dwarf II. Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries №4 (3), 2015, 101-105.
10. Sadoyan R.R., Barbaryan A.A. Application of modified method in seed breeding of winter wheat new varieties. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences of NAS RA. 2015, Issue 2, vol. 25, 3-6.
11. Sadoyan R.R. New varieties if winter wheat for cultivation in Armenian conditions. Актуальные вопросы и перспективы развития сельскохозяйственных наук, сб.научных трудов по итогам конференции, Омск, 2015, 6.
Languages: English, Russian