Doctor of biological sciences, professor
Doctor of biological sciences, professor/Chair of Biology, Chemistry and Their Teaching Methods
1987- Yerevan State University, Faculty of Biology
Academic Credentials
1993- Ph.D (Candidate of biological sciences), the theme of dissertation: “ The morphobiological and ecological characteristics of Prussian carp Carassius auratus gihelio Bloch (1783) in RA reservoirs”, G.00.08 in “Zoology” specialization
2010- Doctor of biological sciences, the theme of dissertation: “Ichtyofauna of Armenia and its formation phases», G.00.08 in “Zoology” specialization.
Work Experience
2012-up to now-Professor at the Chair of Biology and its Teaching Methods of Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan
2010-till now-National Security Council, Head of Department
2010 May- October- Director of the European College in Armenia
2008-2010- Director of National Centre VET Development (NCVETD)
1994-2012- Associate Professor at the Chair of Biology and its Teaching Methods of Armenian State Pedagogical University after Khachatur Abovyan
1991-2008- Head of the Department of preliminary and Secondary Vocational Education of RA Ministry of Education and Science
Bachelor’s degree course
Master’s degree course
Ichthyology, Fish Ecology
Animal Behavior and Migrations
Functional Zoology
Methods of studying Zoology in field conditions
Fauna of RA reservoirs and its formation phases
Modern problems of biology
Scope of Academic Interests
Classification of fish, biology, ecology, protection
Biology, ecology and protection of amphibians,
Fish Archeology
Vocational Education Management and Strategy Development, Education Quality Assurance processes
Issues of Lifelong Learning
• Inclusive Education, “Save the Children”, USAID, 2015
• Training on civil soldier, YSU, 2014
• Educational visit to Slovak Republic within the frames of “EAP- SIPPAP” Project, 2014
• “Employee skills as a guarantee of success of the employer” Lifelong learning as a labor market development tool, Yerevan, 2013, 2014
• “The challenges of the transitional period in the system of higher education quality assurance. Building confidence, quality assurance second forum”, Yerevan, 2013
• “Adult Education Quality Evaluation”, Bukhara, 2010
• “Further Education for sustainable development”, Saint-Petersburg, 2010
• ”VET Reforms. Institutional capacity Building”, Romania, 2007
• "Vocational Education and the labor market”, Turkey, 2007
• "National Qualifications Framework”, Glasgow, Great Britain, 2004
• “Qualification Development of officials of RA Ministry of Education and Science and MLSA”, Germany, 2000, May 05-09
• “Qualification Development of officials of RA Ministry of Education and Science and MLSA”, 2000, May 12-16, "Lernia Ко-International, Sweden
“Vocational Education Reforms” NGO Co-president
President of the Sectorial Committee on VET Agricultural and Environmental Specializations
"Eurasia" University Administration Council President
“Lifelong Learning Armenian League” Association Council member
1. Пипоян С.Х. Непрерывное образование в Республике Армения: проблемы и пути их решения// Труды международного сотрудничества. Образование через всю жизнь: непрерывное образование для устойчивого развития. Санкт-Петербург, 2010. С. 50-53.
2. Пипоян С.Х., Василян Д.З., Габриелян И.Г. Ископаемые рыбы Армении// Биолог. журн. Армении, 2011, Т. LXIII, N 1, С. 56-61.
3. Пипоян С.Х., Киракосян Л.А., Туниев С.Б. Особенности изменчивости морфометрических признаков сига Coregonus lavaretus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Actinopterigii: Coregonidae) оз. Севан// Труды Зоологического института РАН. Том 316, N 3, 2012. С. 254-265.
4. Пипоян С.Х. Ихтиофауна Армении: этапы формирования и современное состояние. Palmarium Academic Publishing-ISBN 978-3-8473-9977-3. 2012., P. 548.
5. Պիպոյան Ս.Խ., Մալխասյան Ա.Հ. Հայաստանի պետական արգելոցների և ազգային պարկերի ձկնաշխարհը// Биологический журнал Армении, 1 (66), 2014, С.18-25
6. Pipoyan S.Kh., Arakelyan A.S. The Disribution of Tapmouth Gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck et Shlegel, 1846) (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) in Water Bodies of Armenia// Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2015, Vol. 6, No 3, pp. 179-183/
7. Пипоян С.Х. Обнаружениe речного угря Anguilla anguilla в водах Армении// Биологический журнал Армении, 3 (67), 2015. С. 104-106.
8. Пипоян С.Х., Аракелян А.С., Креджян Т.Л., Степанян И.Э. Об обнаружении золотистой щиповки Sabanejewia aurata (De Filippi, 1863) (Cobitidae, Actinopterygii) в р. Aгстев // Биологический журнал Армении, 4 (68), 2016. С. . 61-65.
9. Пипоян С.Х., Степанян И.Э., Аракелян А.С., Креджян Т.Л., Калашян. М.Ю.// Биологический журнал Армении, 2 (69), 2017. С. 46-52.
10. S. Perea, I. Doadrio, A. Arakelyan, S.Pipoyan. Mitochondrial phylogenetic analyses of Capoeta spp. (Cyprinidae, Actinopterygii) in Armenia// Proceedings of the international conference “Biological diversity and conservation problems of the fauna-3”. September 27-29., 2017, Yerevan, Armenia. P. 251-255.
11. Pipoyan S.Kh., Arakelyan .A. S. The Ichthyofauna of Aghstev and Debed River Basins (North Armenia) and the Impact of Separate Factors on its Transformation// Int. J. Oceanogr. Aquac. 2018, 2(1): 0001 30. P. 1-9.
Languages: Armenian, Russian, English