Vera Marukyan

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor/Chair of Special Pedagogy and Psychology

2008 PhD in Pedagogy
2001-2004Phd student at the Chair of Special Education (defectology) , Yerevan State Pedagogical University after Kh.Abovyan
1996-200Faculty of Primary Education and Defectology of Yerevan State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan, degree in oligophrenic pedagogy and speech therapy.

Phd PhD in Pedagogy. Thesis subject ´ Ways of Developing Time Perception with Children with Psychic Development Delay´

Work Experience
2014- present Assistant Professor at the chair of Special Eduacation and Psychology, Yerevan State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan
2011-2014 Assistant at the chair of Special Education and Psychology, Yerevan State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan
2004-2011 Teacher at the chair of Special Education and Psychology

Bachelor´s Degree Courses
• Oligophrenic Pedagogy
• Oligophrenic Psychology
• History of Oligophrenic Pedagogy
• Oligophrenic Psychology at Infants´ School
• Foundations of Special Education and Psychology
• Theory and Practice of Integrated Education
• optional courses
Master´s Degree Courses
• Systemized methods of approach to children with developmental problems
• Optional courses

Scientific Interests
Oligophrenic pedagogy, oligophrenic psychology, system of special education and behavior, peculiarities of time perception with children with mental retardation, theory and practice of integrated education

Attended Training Courses
• TEACCH therapy with autistic children /Arbes Health Centre, 2004/
• Integrated Education ´ Bridge of Hope´ NGO, ´Mission East´NGO
• Use of games in speech therapy /Intra/ 2011
• System of communication through images (PECS) specialized course, 2012
• Montessory method healthcare technologies (Montessori City),2013
• Specialized course in sand therapy foundations /Sand Land/, 2013
• Psychological Resources of Health, Centre of Psychological and Social solutions, 2014
• «Asperger Syndrom: Interpersonal Disorders, Psychopathological Influences and Types of Care», Yerevan, 2015
• ´The experience of Zagorsky´s orphanage in the context of blind and deaf children´. ´The issues of socialization and formation of identity with blind and deaf children´. Alexandr Suvorov, PhD in Psychology, two days´ international lectures in Yerevan, 2015
• Integrated Education – current issues and challenges. International scientific and practical congress. Yerevan, 2015
• ´Auxiliary technologies and the motivation of positive behaviour´, ´Developing alternative communication ´, Kate Smith, professor of the chair of reading and special education at the Appalachian University, USA, one-week lectures in Yerevan, 2015
• ´Alternative further communication´, Dorothy Fraser, one week´s lecture, Yerevan, 2015
• Congress on practical solutions to internationalization of Higher education organized in the framework of the ´Tempus´ program´s ´Pikasa´ project, Yerevan, 2015

Selected Publications
1.Чувство времени временные представления и понятия их сущность и характеристика/ Հատուկմանկավարժություն և հոգեբանություն:Միջբուհական գիտամեթոդական հոդվածներիժողովածու Եր.Զանգակ-97,2008էջ.120-125
2. Особенности восприятия и понимания времени у детей с задержкой психического развития/Հատուկ մանկավարժություն և հոգեբանություն:Միջբուհական գիտամեթոդա- կան հոդվածների ժողովածու Եր.Զանգակ-97,2009էջ.190-195
3. Մտավոր հետամնաց երեխաների ժամանակի ընկալման ձևավորումը .-
Ուսումնամեթոդական ձեռնարկ <Նահապետ>հրատարակչություն,Երևան ,2012 -40էջ
4.Содержание педагогической работы по формированию навыков ориентировки во времени умственно отсталых детей -/’’ ՄԽԻԹԱՐ ԳՈՇ,, գիտամեթոդական հանդես ,1-3/36/,2013թ.-էջ50-54
5. Теоретические аспекты формирования временных представлений у детей// Հատուկ կրթության հիմնախնդիրները ,2014թ.-էջ141-148
6. Формирование способности определять течение времени в различных видах деятельности у детей с умственной отсталостью, Հատուկ կրթության հիմնախնդիրներ գիտամեթոդական հանդես,2015թ.-էջ



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