Working meeting held within the framework of T4GREEN project
Working meeting held within the framework of T4GREEN project

The second meeting within the framework of the Erasmus+ T4GREEN / Transforming Teacher Education for Green and Digital Transition in Armenia and Moldova (T4GREEN) project was held at Armenian State Pedagogical University (ASPU).

The activities of Work Package 3 of the T4GREEN project were coordinated by Marianna Harutyunyan, ASPU Vice-Rector for Human Resources Management and International Cooperation. representatives from the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia (RA MoESCS), ASPU, Yerevan State University (YSU), Shirak State University, National Center for Education Development and Innovation, and Armenian Center for Education Policy and Management were present at the meeting.

Let us add that the coordinator of the project is ASPU. The project aims to reform teacher education in Armenia and Moldova to enable the shift from traditional to future-oriented curricula and teaching methods in order to achieve national general education goals and support the green and digital learning.

During the working meeting, the participants discussed the procedure, structure, and expected timelines for developing the National Concept for Teacher Education and expected final results.
Marianna Harutyunyan once again emphasized the importance of reforming pedagogical education in Armenia, highlighting the need for a strategic framework to guide its future development. She emphasized that after the completion of the project the document created during the process should serve as a guideline of developing pedagogical education in Armenia, and the RA MoESCS, as a a policy developer in the education sector, will have a key role and present the current situation and problems in pedagogical education in Armenia.

"Both the concept and the professional educational programs that will be reviewed during the implementation of the project are aimed at improving the quality of education in Armenia and, as pilot programs will help review the programs," she said.

The participants also discussed the prospects for revising curricula and adapting them to green and digital priorities.

Let us add that under WP1 it is planned to develop a national concept of teacher education in Armenia and Moldova in line with green and digital-oriented teacher education in the European Union. Also, standards will be set for the development of teacher education in both countries.

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