Apart from research activities, various intra-university, national and international scientific events, including conferences, symposia and seminars are organized at Armenian State Pedagogical University.
Taking into consideration the international educational experience, the University has developed an effective format of organizing international conferences.
In the recent years, the National Educational Committee of the RA MօESCS has been supporting that process, providing financial support to applications submitted by the University.
The topics of scientific events are the issues existing in the fields of education, general upbringing and some sciences.
International conferences receive a lot of attention; which is evidenced by attendance of outstanding scientists and presentation of scientific reports.
This process is aimed at internationalization of the University, as a result of which agreements are signed to confirm bilateral cooperation activities.
Conference materials are published in separate collections.
The following international conferences were organized at the University between 2012 and 2015:
- “Theoretical and Practical Problems of Development of Transforming Society” /philosophical and psychological perspectives/ - 2012
- “Language, Education and Family in Repatriation Process” - 2013
- Implementation and Introduction of Mechanisms for Organizing Continuous /ongoing/ Internship in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education” - 2013
- "Modernization of Education in the Context of Contemporary Pedagogical Paradigm" -2013
- “Chess in Schools” - 2014
- "Problems of International Multicultural Dialogue in Monoethnic and Multiethnic Educational Environment” (by the example of Armenia and Russia)" - 2014
- 2nd all-Caucasian three-day conference headed “Development of Ergotherapy in Armenia and Georgia: 10 Years Later” - 2014
- “Education for Sustainable Development” 10th anniversary of the UN, final phase - 2014
- "Pluralingualism in an Institutional Context: German as a Second Foreign Language" - 2015
- “Modern Issues and Challenges of Inclusive Education” - 2015
- "Problems of Measuring and Evaluating Education Quality"- 2015
Conferences in 2016
- International workshop entitled "Reforms in the System of Higher Pedagogical Education in the Context of Inclusion"
- 2nd international conference entitled "Nation, State, Homeland, Idea of Statehood
- “Issues of Teaching Social Sciences at Universities and Schools”
- “Mathematics Education”
- "Implementation of National and Sectorial Qualifications Frameworks in RA Higher Education System”
Conferences in 2017
- Upbringing as an Element of Personality Shaping", international webinar, April 14
- Foreign Language Teaching in Multilingual Contexts, international student conference, April 18-19
- 5th international conference on “Mathematics Education,” October 12-14
- 2nd international conference on “Continuous Adult Education as a Characteristic of Modern Society,” October 24-25
- "Young Scientists in the Economy of the Region," international scientific-practical conference-contest, December 15
Conferences in 2018
- “Road to Inclusion,” international conference
- “International Scientific Sociological Readings”
- 4th All-Caucasian international conference on “Creative Approaches of Occupational Therapy in Educational and Rehabilitation Fields”
- 6th international conference on “Mathematics Education”
- "Global Challenges and Regional Development in the Mirror of Measurements in Sociology," international scientific and practical online conference
- “Role of Intelligentsia of Eurasian Partnership Countries in Integration Processes,” international scientific roundtable
- "Nation, State, Homeland: Idea of Statehood," international conference
- “Assessment of Biodiversity and Agrobiodiversity Capacities in RA and Introduction of Scientific-Educational Bases for Biosafety,” conference
- 2nd International Student Conference
- “Soviet Statehood: History and Modernity,” international roundtable discussion
Conferences in 2019
- “Issues in Psychology: Characteristics, Principles of Classification and Diagnosis”
- “Mathematics Education”
- “Collapse of Empires in the 20th Century: New State and New Identities”
- “Current State and Development Trends of Chess Education”
- “Profile Analysis of Learners' Speech (German as a Second Foreign Language)”
- “Tumanyan: Through Endless, Boundless Path”
Conferences in 2020
- "Mathematics Education 8," international conference, October 8-9
- “Current State and Perspectives of Armenian Lexicography,” international conference, November 21
- Russian Language and Literature in the Era of Digitalization: New Approaches, Methods and Didactic Tools for Educators in Armenia,” international scientific-educational forum on Zoom, December 3-4
- Online conference entitled "Promoting Inclusive Education in Schools", July 23. The online meeting was attended by about 97 participants from Armenia, Georgia, Austria and New Zealand. The aim of the conference was to promote development of inclusive education in Armenia and Georgia.
Conferences in 2021
- “Human Factor in the System of Governance,” seminar discussion, January 22, 2021
- “Participation of Armenian People in the Second World War", conference, February 8, 2021
- "Awareness and Modernization," conference, February 24, 2021.
- "Armenia in 1920-1991," roundtable, March 18, 2021
- "Problems and Perspectives of Special and Inclusive Education," international scientific-practical conference, March 19, 2021•"Language and Society,” international conference, 2021
- “Contemporary Issues in Teaching Old Armenian in HEIs,” roundtable, March 27, 2021
- “Life and Novel Inclusions: Impact and Development Guidelines,” international conference, May 27, 2021
- "Armenia in 1945-1965" conference, June 4, 2021•“Current Issues and Perspectives of Armenian Lexicography,” international conference, July 8-9, 2021
- "Independence, Statehood, Homeland," conference, September 17, 2021
- "Mathematical Education-9," international conference, October 7-8, 2021
- "Action Research and Operations," international conference, October 30, 2021
- Interuniversity conference, November 19, 2021
- “Chess in Education,” international conference, November 20, 2021
- "International Conference of Young Historians," November 29, 2021
- “Influence of Socio-cultural Background on Childhood: Challenges and Solutions,” conference, November 30, 2021
In 2022, ASPU celebrated its 100 years, and all scientific events, including conferences, were dedicated to the centennial celebrations. Among the aforesaid events, we can single out
Conferences in 2023
Conference devoted to Ghazar Parpetsi 25.10.2023
Conferences in 2024