Students’ professional internships are organized and held in compliance with the standard in higher professional education and regulations on the procedure for conducting professional practice, maintaining and ensuring the principle of sequence and continuity of the educational process.
In 2013, a new model of organizing continuous pedagogical practice and Regulations on the order of applying the portfolio in practice were introduced at ASPU. Within the scope of these innovations, students use portfolios during their internships, where they summarize the results of individual and group work as well as the results of situational analysis and self-analysis of activities.
Professional practice of is part of the educational program and is carried out in specific professional areas under the c guidance and support of the supervisors appointed by the University.
The purpose of professional practice is to develop students’ professional competencies, help them obtain professional and organizational skills in the course of specific activities, as well as collection and generalize resources for educational projects and independent research.
Professional practice is organized on the basis of agreements signed between ASPU and different organizations, which stipulate the rights and obligations of the parties. To organize pedagogical practice, the Pedagogical University cooperates with about 20 schools and kindergartens, 30 cultural institutions, special and rehabilitation centers, research institutes and other organizations.
Pedagogical practice is managed and supervised by relevant specialists appointed by the ASPU Internship Center, relevant faculty, chair implementing the professional educational program and/or institution serving as the basis for the internship.
Internship terms are set by the ASPU faculties on the basis the standard in higher professional education and the subject description (program) of the internship course, taking into account the theoretical training of students and the technical capacity of the institution serving as the basis for the internship.
All types and stages of pedagogical practice are monitored using the tools of Google classroom online learning management system.
In line with bachelor’s degree programs ASPU organizes two types of professional practice – educational and pedagogical.
As a rule, educational practice is organized for those students who are not specializing in pedagogy and aims to develop their knowledge and skills in the area they have chosen or the related field.
Pedagogical practice is generally organized in educational institutions and aims to develop students’ skills in organizing pedagogical activities. In the course of pedagogical practice, students carry out pedagogical activities under the guidance of specialist consultants (teachers, psychologists and methodologists), learn to prevent, and overcome conflict situations and difficulties in the educational process, advise students on choosing a specialty, and also learn to work as a teacher assistant and class teacher, participate in the organization of extracurricular and out-of-school educational activities, conduct lessons and evaluate students.
In 2016, the University adopted Procedures on the procedure for practice results protection under which at the end of each stage of internship students can defend the results of their practice and be evaluated by a commission appointed by the University. The average score for the practice is 20 percent of the student's final attestation score.
Students enrolled in master's programs also undergo two types of professional practice - research and pedagogical research.
As a rule, research practice is organized on an individual basis in accordance with the requirements and content of the master's work and student's individual research plan.
Pedagogical research practice is usually organized in schools, secondary, vocational or higher educational institutions and aims develop MA students’ skills and abilities to carry out pedagogical activities. Pedagogical research practice is also organized in two stages: practical training and practical pedagogical.
During the internship, students get acquainted with the academic staff of the Chair of the given educational institution, methods and techniques of organizing the work of the relevant professional department, laboratories and workshops of the educational institution, organization of the educational process and teaching of the subject, content and structure of the relevant documents, listen to classes, hold class hearing journals, participate in discussions, seminars, scientific conferences, compile an internship portfolio, and conduct classes on bachelor’s degree programs.
Since the 2018-2019 academic year, the University has been organizing seminars on pedagogical research practice in order to sum up the results of master’s internships.