Кандидат биологических наук, преподаватель
Кандидат биологических наук, преподаватель/старший научный сотрудник Института гидроэкологии и ихтиологии НЦЗГЭ НАН Армении/Кафедра биологии, химии и методики их преподавания
2003г. Факультет биологии и химии АГПУ.
Ученая степень
Кандидат биологических наук с 2011 года. Тема диссертации: “Изменения донного сообщества реки Раздан в условиях антропогенного воздействия” по специальности Г.00.11 "Экология".
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С 2022 г. ведущий научный сотрудник Института гидроэкологии и ихтиологии НЦЗГЭ НАН Армении
С 2011-2022 г. старший научный сотрудник Института гидроэкологии и ихтиологии НЦЗГЭ НАН Армении
С 2003-2011 г. младший научный сотрудник Института гидроэкологии и ихтиологии НЦЗГЭ НАН Армении
Читаемые курсы лекций
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Оценка биоразнообразия и экосистемных услуг
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Биоиндикация и оценка экологического качества пресных вод по нормам ВРД ЕС
Оценка экосистемных услуг
Разработка методик биоиндикации для оценки экологического состояния гидроэкосистем Армении
ДНК баркодинг
• 15.07.2019-15.10.2019 Зоологический исследовательский музей им. Александра Кенига (ZFMK), Бонн, Германия, (исследовательская тема: Определение разнообразия донных макробеспозвоночных бассейна оз. Севеан (Армения) по методам ДНК баркодинга)
• 2019- Школа лидерства для женщин в науке. Женшины в политике. Цахкадзор (ООН)
• 2018- Использование ДНК технологий для выявления и исследования инвазивных и уязвимых видов. Минск, Беларусь, (GTI)
• 2018- Анализ данных по програмному пакету SPSS. Ереван (CRRC)– Армения
• 2014- Количественный анализ данных по SPSS: Тестирование гипотез. Ереван (CRRC)
• 10.06.2013-07.09.2013 Институт пресноводной экологии и ихтиологии внутренних вод им. Лейбница, Берлин, Германия (исследовательская тема: Оценка качества вод речных экосистем по донным макробеспозвоночным на основе методики Водной Рамочной Директивы Европейского Союза (ВРД ЕС)).
• 2013-Quantum GIS и ESRI ArcGIS школа молодых ученых. Ереван, Армениа (HIB, YBA, YSSP)
• 2013- Представление современных технологий Мониторинга и сохранения пресных вод в Армении. Институт молекулярной биологии НАН РА, Ереван.
• 2012- Трансграничное управление бассейном реки Кура - Фаза III, Тбилиси, Грузия
• 2012- Быстрая экологическая оценка, экологический сток, биомониторинг, Тбилиси, Грузия
• Биологическая ассоциация пресных вод (FBA)
Публикации (44 публикации)
1.Asatryan V., Dallakyan M. (2021). Principles to develop a simplified multimetric index for the assessment of the ecological status of Armenian rivers on example of the Arpa River system. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193, 195. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-021-08994-3
2. Asatryan V., Dallakyan M. (2021). The baseline rapid biological assessment of the ecological status of the Debed River system (Armenia). Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences, 1(36), 14-25.
3. Barseghyan N., Vardanyan T., Asatryan V., Dallakyan M., Arakelyan A., Mamikonyan V. (2020). Application of new method of artificial incubation of Sevan trout (salmo ischchan, Kessler) eggs in natural condition of tributaries of lake Sevan, Vestnik of Astrakhan State Technical University. Series: fishing industry, 2020(1)., 103-110. https://doi.org/10.24143/2073-5529-2020-1-103-110
4. Asatryan V., Dallakyan, M., Vardanyan, T., Barseghyan N., Gabrielyan B. (2020) An integrative evaluation of suitability of a river for natural reproduction of trout of Lake Sevan (Armenia). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27(6), 6352–6361. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-019-07151-1
5. Asatryan V. L., Dallakyan M. R. The Rapid Biological Assessment of Ecological Status of Arpa River (Armenia). Proceedings of the IWA 11th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, Prague, 2019, 23-30.
6. Asatryan V. L., Dallakyan M. R. The changes of ecological status of the Hrazdan River under the impact of Aghbyurak dam. Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Regularities of formation and impact of marine and atmospheric hazardous phenomena and disasters on the coastal zone of the Russian Federation
under the conditions of Global Climatic and industrial challenges. Rostov-on-Don, 2019, p257-260.
7. Asatryan V.L., Dallakyan M.R. (2018). Assessment of seasonal differences of ecological state of lotic ecosystems and applicability of some biotic indices in the Basin of Lake Sevan (Armenia): case study of Masrik River. Water Science and Technology:
Water Supply (2018) 19 (4): 1238-1245 https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2018.182
8. Dallakyan M., Asatryan V. New records of Haemopis sanguisuga (Linnaeus, 1758) in the drainage basin of Lake Sevan (Armenia). Proceedings of I International scientific and practical conference “Current challenges in Belarus and adjacent regions wildlife protection”, 2018, Minsk, Belarus, pp. 110-114.
9. Asatryan V.L., Dallakyan M.R. Assessment of seasonal differences of ecological state of lotic ecosystems in the basin of Lake Sevan (Armenia) by bioindication methods: case study of Masrik River. Proceedings of the IWA 10th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, Zagreb, 2018, pp. 19-26.
10. Asatryan V.L., Dallakyan M.R. The applicability of macrozoobenthos based indices for the assessment of water quality of riverlike clues inflowing into Lake Sevan on example of river Lichq (Armenia). Electronic journal of Natural Sciences of NAS of RA, 1(30), 2018, 30-34.
11. Asatryan V.L., Barseghyan N.E., Dallakyan M.R., Vardanyan T.V. (2018). Prompt assessment for the potential spawning areas of Sevan Trout, South-West part of Lake Sevan. Water science and technology: Water Supply journal. IWA publishing, 18(1), 222-232; https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2017.112
12. V.L. Asatryan, M.R. Dallakyan, I.V. Shokhin, R.M. Aroutiounian, G.G. Matishov. Study of sustainability and conformity of functioning of lotic ecosystems on the example of the Dzknaget river (Armenia), Proceedings of the Yerevan State University, Chemistry and Biology, 2017, 51(3), p. 186–192
13. V.L. Asatryan, N.E. Barseghyan, T.V. Vardanyan, H.V. Yepremyan, A.H. Hayrapetyan, M.R. Dallakyan, B.K. Gabrielyan, Analysis of the state of biocenoses that formed in shallow areas of Small Sevan (Armenia) during the period of lake’s water level rise. Inland Water Biology, 9(1), 1-7, 2016.
14. N.E. Barseghyan, T.V. Vardanyan, V.L. Asatryan, M.R. Dallakyan, The current state of Sevan Trout’ reproduction ecology. Proceedings of all-Russian conference with international participation “Biodiversity: global and local processes”, Ulan-Ude, 2016, pp. 225-226.
15. V.L. Asatryan, N.E. Barseghyan, M.R. Dallakyan and T.V. Vardanyan, The Assessment Approach for the Potential of Rivers in the South-West Part of Lake Sevan as Spawning Areas for Sevan Trout. Proceedings of the IWA 8th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, Gdansk, 2016, pp. 644-651
16. “Lake Sevan: Ecological state during the period of water level change”. Sevan trout (Salmo ischchan Kessler, 1877), Yu.V. Gerasimov, N.E. Barseghyan, T.V. Vardanyan, M.R. Dallakyan, B.K. Gabrielyan, 2016, Chapter 4.3.1 of collective monograph, Yaroslavl, pp. 236-249.
17. “Lake Sevan: Ecological state during the period of water level change”. Brown trout “alabakh” (Salmo trutta fario L., 1758), Yu.V. Gerasimov, N.E. Barseghyan, T.V. Vardanyan, M.R. Dallakyan, B.K. Gabrielyan, 2016, Chapter 4.3.2 of collective monograph Yaroslavl, pp. 249-253
18. Asatryan V.L., Dallakyan M.R. Development of the initial multimetric index for the assessment of ecological state of lake Sevan (Armenia) basin rivers. Proceedings of the IWA 7th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, Belgrade, Serbia, 2015, pp. 19-28.
19. Dallakyan M.R., Asatryan V.L. The changes of benthic community of Shnogh river (Armenia) under the antropogenic impact. Proceedings of international conference “Modern problems of water reservoirs and their catchments”, vol.2, Perm 2015, pp.229-234
20. Asatryan V.L., Dallakyan M.R. The comparative assessment of rivers impact on lake Sevan’s (Armenia) water quality by hydrochemical parameters. Proceedings of international conference “Modern problems of water reservoirs and their catchments”, vol.2, Perm 2015, pp.3-6
21. Barseghyan N.E., Vardanyan T.V., Asatryan V.L., Dallakyan M.R., Badalyan N.S., Gabrielyan B.K. The size-age structure changes of Sevan trout during the period of water level rise// Proceedings of the international conference “Biological diversity and conservation problems of the fauna of the Caucasus – 2”; Yerevan 2014; pp. 69-72
22. Asatryan V. L., Barseghyan N. E., Vardanyan T. V., Dallakyan M. R., Gabrielyan B. K. The current state of spawning areas of Gegharquni and Summer trout in the basin of Lake Sevan. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences, National Academy of Sciences of RA, 2(21), 2013, pp. 51-56
23. Ghukasyan E. Kh., Hakobyan S. H., Dallakyan M. R., Asatryan V. L. The ecological state of Aghstev river (Armenia) by zoobenthos community structure. Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences. National Academy of Sciences of RA. 2(21), 2013, pp, 57-60
24. Dallakyan M.R., 2013. The assessment of ecological state of Debed river by marcoinvertebrates. Biodiversity and wildlife conservation ecological issues. Proceedings of international conference of young scientists, dedicated to the 70 th Anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia. Tsaghkadzor, pp.76-78. Published.
25. Асатрян В.Л., Даллакян М.Р. Оценка экологического состояния рек Личк и Гаварагет/ Материалы докладов II всероссийской научной конференции с международным участием “Малые реки: Экологическое состояние и перспективы развития”, Чебоксары 2012, стр 149-153
26. Dallakyan M.R., Asatryan V.L., Barseghyan N.E., Vardanyan T.V., Yepremyan H.V., Hayrapetyan A.H. The study of the biocenoses formed in the water covered areas of Lake Sevan/ Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences, July 2012, Vo2. Issue2 /19/ pp.56-62
27. Asatryan V.L., Dallakyan M.R., Yepremyan H.V., Boshyan T.V. The assessment of ecological state of the river Hrazdan by macrophytes and benthic fauna/ Electronic Journal of Natural Sciences, July 2012, Vo2. Issue2 /19/ pp.51-56 28. Даллакян М.Р., Асатрян В.Л. Оценка качества воды устьев основных рек, впадающих в Малый Севан/ Материалы международной молодежной конференции «Актуальные проблемы химии и биологии», Пущино 2012, стр. 128-129
29. Ասատրյան Վ., Հակոբյան Ս., Դալլաքյան Մ., Բոշյան Տ. Ձկնագետ և Գավառագետ գետերի էկոլոգիական վիճակի գնահատումն ըստ մակրոզոոբենթոսի ցուցանիշների/ Հայաստանի Կենսաբանական Հանդես, Հատոր LXIV, 2, 2012
30. Vardanyan T.V., Barseghyan N. E., Dallakyan M. R., The current condition of river Vardenis as a habitats of brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758). 2012. Biological journal of Armenia, Vol. 64 (1), pp.42-45. http://biology.asj-oa.am/10810/
31. Dallakyan M. R., Ghukasyan E. Kh., Hakobyan S. A The main groups of bottom community of the river Hrazdan and their ecology.., 2011. Biological journal of Armenia, Vol. 63 (2), pp. 37-42. http://biology.asj-oa.am/4849/
32. Dallakyan M. R., Ghukasyan E. Kh. Structural and functional characteristics of macrozoobenthos of the river Hrazdan., 2011. Proceedings of the international conference “Biological diversity and conservation problems of the fauna of the Caucasus”, Yerevan, Armenia, pp.119-122.
33. Dallakyan M.R., Ghukasyan E. Kh., Hakobyan S. H., Barseghyan N.E.Assesment of water quality of the Hrazdan River by different bioindication methods., 2010. Biological journal of Armenia, volume 62 (2), pp. 40-45. http://biology.asj-oa.am/4735/
34. Hakobyan S. H., Ghukasyan E. Kh., Sahakyan D. L., Dallakyan M. R., Hayrapetyan A. H.Study on Hydrobiological peculiarities in Armenian part of transboundary river Debed., 2010. Biological journal of Armenia, volume 62 (2), pp. 75-80. Published, http://biology.asj-oa.am/4742/
35. Danielyan A.A., Dallakyan M.R., Grigoryan K.V., Ghukasyan E.Kh., The diversity of zoobenthos in the area of Debed river watershed basin. 2008. Biological journal of Armenia, volume 60 (1-2), pp. 99-102. Published, http://biology.asj-oa.am/3830/
36. Dallakyan M., Ghukasyan E., The biodiversity of the bottom community of Hrazdan river. 2008. Proceedings of the international conference “The importance of ecology and nature protection in the sustainable development perspectives, Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 89-95. Published.
37. Akopyan S. A., Scherbina G. Kh., Dallakyan M. R., The current structure of the macrozoobenthos of Lake Sevan. 2007. Proceedings of III international scientific conference “The ocean ecosystems: The biological processes, anthropogenic transformation, water quality”, Minsk-Naroch, pp. 196-197. Published.
38. Dallakyan M. R., The structure of invertebrates’ community of bush of Hrazdan river. 2007. Proceedings of international school-conference: “Actual issues of investigation of micro and meyozoobenthos and fauna of bush of freshwater reservoirs, Borok, pp.152-157. Published
39. Ghukasyan E. Kh., Badalyan N. S., Hovhannisyan R.R., Dallakyan M.R.On the changes of biological parameters of crayfish in the Lake Sevan, 2006. Biological journal of Armenia, 58 (3-4), pp. 321-324. Published, http://biology.asj-oa.am/5007/
40. Dallakyan M. R., Hakobyan S. H., Ghukasyan E. Kh.The present state of leeches fauna of the river Hrazdan., 2006. Biological journal of Armenia, volume 58 (1-2), pp. 85-90. Published, http://biology.asj-oa.am/4882/
41. Dallakyan M. R., 2006 Results of the study of benthic fauna at the different biotopes of the River Hrazdan (Republic of Armenia).. Bulletin of IAELPS, Saint-Petersburg, Volume 11, N8, Is. 2. pp. 62-65.isi, Georgia.
42. Dallakyan M. R., Hakobyan S. H., Ghukasyan E. Kh.,Formation of the macrofauna of litorheophilic biotope in the different parts of the middle course of river Hrazdan. 2004. Proceedings of the conference on Invertebrates zoology: dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of S. M. Iablokoff-Khnzorian, Yerevan, pp.41-43. Published.
43. Hayrapetyan A., Dallakyan M., Ghukasyan E., Hakobyan S., Sahakyan D., Gabrielyan B.,The role of Getar tributary and Yerevan pond on formation of Hrazdan River water quality. 2003. Proceedings of the III Republican youth scientific conference “XXI century: Ecological science in Armenia”, Yerevan, pp.127-130. Published.
44. Dallakyan. M. R., Ghukasyan E. Kh.Assessment of water quality of the Hrazdan river by the bioindicaton method., 2002. Proceedings of the III youth scientific conference “XXI century: Ecological science in Armenia”, Yerevan, pp. 126-128. Published.
Языки: Армянский (родной), Русский, Английский